
KEIME - Improvisation für Quintetnet

Keime is an improvisation to short films and Flash animations by visual artist Cornelia Geissler. Cornelia uses several dozens of clips which she mixes and overlays with live video and music notation using the Quintet.net Viewer.
Keime was premiered at the 30th festival Neue Musik in Lüneburg. Performing musicians were Ignazio Mendez, Oliver Frei, Moxi Beidenegl, Martin von Frantzius and Donghee Nam.
Quelle: http://www.quintet.net/index.asp im Nov.2005

Kleiner Ausschnitt einer

ZKM - Karlsruhe, Juni 2005

>>> (mp4/375kb/12sec/kein audio)

Auswahl einzelner Animationsfilme,
die als Grundlage für die Improvisation dienen

>>> Keime 1
>>> Keime 2

>>> Hyazinthe 1
>>> Hyazinthe 2

>>> Tasten
>>> Maeuse 1
>>> Maeuse 2

>>> Tastatur 1
>>> Tastatur 2
