Martin von Frantzius, born in Pforzheim (South Germany), studied Violin with Christiane Edinger at the Music Academy in Lübeck (Musikhochschule Lübeck). After finishing his studies with Diplom (kind of Master of Arts) in 2002 he began to study composition at the Music Academy of Hamburg (HfMT-Hamburg) with Peter Michael Hamel (acoustic composition) and Georg Hajdu (electronic composition).
His work contains compositions for acoustical Instruments like his solo Violin piece "Farbige Wolken für Violine solo" (colored clouds for solo violin) premiered by Christiane Edinger in 2004 or his string-trio (2003/5), but he also deals with electronics:
In the piece "sprectral scapes for violin and computer" (2005) he analyses partials of violin sound in realtime and changes them before a computer plays them as chords or melodic phrases, like a kind of realtime accompaniment for the violin-player.
In his installation "Sonnenfalle" (2004) the weather of hamburg (measured by a solar panel) is "conductor" for a realtime collage of sound and video.
Different projects of music for theater and film, his activities as a teacher for different workshops or his jobs as a sound engineer show, that he is not a one-sided composer.